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Very good sailing-regatta simulator made with the same criteria of the flight simulators. The front view represents the moving sea horizon and we can see the buoys and the antagonist boat. There is also the sound of the surf. Prior to starting the race it is possible to design the boat, a little CAD-like, selecting the materials and all the basic measures. The race is against one opponent at a time raising the position in case of win. The race consists of a loop around three buoys, loop hampered by strong adverse winds.
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Is this the cutest speccy game ever? I certainly think so. The Japanese influence of Oriental programmers Hudson Soft shone through like a beacon. Your gorgeous miop-headed hero swashbukled his way across the roof of a speeding train, killing bad guys by throwing plucked birds at them! the graphics were impossibly bright and lovely and the gameplay hugely addictive. but the very best thing was the way that the demo mode consisted of a re-run of your last game in it's entirety. Pure arcadde beauty.
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...or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love British Rail. Once you've played The Train Game, you'll forgive BR for every delay they've ever had. Y'see, the terrifying pressure brought on by trying to direct half-a-dozen trains simultaneously around a track with 26 sets of points, stopping them from crashing into each other or derailling. diverting runaway locos away from potential disaster and keeping five or six platforms full of impatient commuters happy all at the same time is almost too much to bear in a Speccy game, never mind doing it for real. A perfect difficulty curve leads you up the garden path, the The Train Game ties you to the tracks and runs over your head.
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If I was to tell you that this game captured perfectly the feeling of being a dustbin man in a leafy suburb on a sleepy Sunday morning, would that make you want to play it? If not, you don't know what you're missing, because Trashman is just about the loveliset and most relaxing game you could ever hope for. Combining Frogger with Terry And June-style humour might not seem like the ideal recipe for a classic (and, under ant other circumstances, it most certainly isn't), but in this case it works perfectly. Play it and love it.