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Your Speccy might have done a lot of things in its time, but has it ever scared you? (Explosions don't count.) If not, you've obviously never played Alien. On the Spec, Alien was a tension-filled strategy game where you controlled the entire crew of the Nostromo in an attempt to blow the evil beastie up and escape to safety. Just like in the film, the alien was wont to appear without warning from air vents and munch a member of your team in seconds. The game was so taut that when you did stumble across the old ET, even the neighbours could hear you scream.


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In the days of 48K, software houses would often make a big issue of the number of screens contained in their latest game. Companies boasted of games with 20, then 50, then 100, then 250 levels, but Beyond stunned everyone. Not surprising really 'cos there were no less than 32,000 accurately-mapped views in this complex and wonderful startegy wargame. For the first time you really got the feel of being lost in a huge land in another world.his overwhelming sense of atmosphere was pretty spooky and it went a long way to ensuring that Lords of Midnight was a colossal and deserved success.


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Unusual combination of country goverment and action combined with wonderful graphic made Psytron one of the finest games from 1982. You control inteligent computer system which defend space colony from attacks. The action simultaneoulsy occurs on many screens and several levels. While you progress through game, the planning is more and more important because you must keep number of crew. You must organize supplying to vital areas between bombarding that aliens do. The game also contains status report window and some of the most beautiful background pictures between arcade and adventure games.


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This one came a very close second, I can tell you. Before Julian Gollop's atmospheric epic, wargaming was a minority interest characterised by tedious number-crunching and amateur programming. Then came Rebelstar which turned it into an experience unrivalled for thrills by all but the most adrenalin-pumping blaster. the one or two-player battle for the rebel space-station was fast-moving and violent. but best of all, the incredible glow of statisfaction you got from beating the thing at the highest levle was incomparable. And the prcie of this masterpiece? 1.99UKP. The seconsd best game in the world ever.


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This is very polished war game, where you prepare tanks and artilery to fight against similary equiped enemy. The game is visualy interesting, because it contains the terrain map with designed position of both sides. Some keys helps you to zoom some map areas. Simultaneously with battle, you must be sure that all supplies from ship are sent to battle positions. The game contains some complex logic routines that make hard enemy from the computer.