
Download TI89 version
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This game is the second official Spectrum version of the arcade with the samename and, in spite of a non-perfect visibility of the ball against thevariegated backgrounds, it is a very good conversion. The action consists of driving back a little ball to prevent it to go beyond thelower part of the screen and at the same time to aim it to break, brick after brick, a twinkling coloured wall.To obstruct us sometimes wandering creatures appear and in the destroyed bricks we can find something pleasant or something less...Once the wall is destroyed we go to the next level and so on up to the unknown that patiently waits us.


Download TI89 version
Download TI92Plus version

This is still the best Arkanoid-style game available for the Spec, better in my opinion than even the hugely popular Arkanoid 2. With fast smooth, clear graphics and a serious level of challenge you'd think this would've been a huge chart success. But (But!) Batty was never even released as a full-price game. It's criminal! First a covertape freebie with Britain's Brightest and Biggest Sinclair Magazine (you're reading it, you dolt) and then a budget game, Batty was the best game Elite never put their name to.