
Download TI89 version
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Colourful and sound crowded, this slot machine simulator contains also a series of secondary games, aimed specifically at the speed reaction, that pop up during the play. The detailed but clean graphics and the smoothness of the fruits movements make this simulator a good realization that surely tempts to play.


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Very well made pinball game simulator. It is viewed in 3D perspective and the ball moves with high degree of smoothness. The pinball board is drawn simple and clean but well coloured and offers all the bells and whistles of this kind of games. The controls are exceptionally easy and the difficulty is well balanced. The intro tune is worth to be noticed.


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Download TI92Plus version

Threedimensional simulator of the pool game in which the point of view is alwaysi in the shot direction. We can move around the table to choose the better direction and get closer or further away from the table itself. There are several sorts of games, from tournament to practice or single shots, and opponents of various skill to choose from. The graphics are not so clear.


Download TI89 version
Download TI92Plus version

This videogame simulates the board game called Subbuteo that, in his turn, simulates the soccer game. But differently from the traditional soccer, the players are puppets placed on a hemisphere and therefore capable to move on a curved path if kicked from the right angle. And the same thing can be done with this simulator that allows to select the kick strenght and its angle.Remember that the players are kicked and not the ball which is kicked instead by the moving puppet. The graphics of this simulator, rich enough in options, are clean and simple and the playability is near good. We can also play against the computer.