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A puzzle game, very well realized. We have a series of levels to complete each formed by a laser generator, a laser receiver, a series of obstacles, some bombs, some fixed, adjustable and random mirrors and some roundish rocks.ur task is to direct the beam at the rocks, destroying them, before the laser energy goes out, using the adjustable mirrors, and at the end direct the beam at the receiver. But pay attention to not touch the bombs and not overload the generator putting the beam to itself.


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This game, the most recent in this collection, is simple but very well realized. It consist of a board made of squares with some bubbles on it. The goal is to empty the grid removing all the bubbles. With an arrow cursor we can point a cell and click it. This reverses the state of that cell (empty if there was a bubble and bubble if it was empty) and of the neighbour cells in the four main directions (up, down, left and right). The time is limited and while we think about the next move, a counter rapidly decreases. After finishing the first level there is a second more difficult to deal with and so on. A password helps to avoid starting from the first level every time.


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There aren't many games in this Top 100 written in BASIC. That won't suprise anyone. But what might suprise you is the quality of this one. Mined Out set the player down in an almost-blank screen full of invisible mines and challenged you to reach the other side with the aid of a mine detector which told you how many mines were beside you, but not where they were. The resulting logic puzzle made for one of the greatest mind-teasers ever devised, and when the later levels added a distinctly ponderous chaser, the frantic self-inflicted pressure could make a bald man of Jon Bon Jovi.


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A nice hydraulic dexterity game with simple and neat graphics. We have a board divided into squares and a piece of pipe on one of them. When the available time is over, water will begin to flow from this pipe and the only way to stop it will be to extend the pipe-line. On the left of the screen, we have a series of pieces representing pipes of various shapes but it's only the first of the queue that we can put on the board. Knowing this we have to build our hydraulic system trying to give it continuity.


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In spite of its simplicity, this game is realized with extreme care for detail, beginning with the very nice intro and ending with the original high score registration method. The game consists of throwing some cards against the corresponding ones to reciprocally eliminate. This elimination can involve more than two pieces and there are even some wild-cards. Ones lose when there are no more matching cards. It's necessary to eliminate a certain number of cards within the time limit.


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Yes, it's the game that makes Amiga ans ST owners look at your Spectrum with real jealousy, 'cos the Speccy version of this classic Russian reaction-tester out performs the 16-bit ports every time. In avoiding the temptation to dress the game up unnecessarily with complicated graphics and pointless shimmering backdrops, Mirrorsoft made sure that Tetris on the Speccy captured all the pure compulsion of the original without distractions. Eve though it's been done a dozen times on the big machines, the Speccy version is still the best Tetris you can buy.


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A well realized patience and dexterity game. We have a structure made by little square bricks and some of them have a symbol depicted over. The object of the game is to bring in touch the bricks with the same symbol that can be also in odd number. All of this keeping in mind that the bricks can be moved only horizontally and downward and that we can take advantage of some moving blocks sometimes found on the structure.


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A very well realized puzzle game with wonderful sound effects. We have to reconstruct the faces of a series of famous persons. The pieces come out one at a time on request but they can also be fire-up bombs and if we do not push them out fast enough they explode costing us a life. Other things can come out that aren't related to the images under construction, which can be eliminated in analogic pairs and this gives us some more points. Beware of the moving walls that sometimes open and sometimes close pushing back our pieces.


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"We all are born mad. Some remain so. Especially if they've been playing Think! for any significant period of time". So said top twentieth century playwright Samuel Beckett (sort of). And he was right too, because this 'board-game-you-couldn't-play-on-a-board' is one of the most brain-torturing ever devised by mere mortal. The whole balance of the game can alter with a single move, and if you can beat the computer you've done something you can be proud of. (Woo! Party time! Ed) Take on a friend though, and you've got something that can change the look of your face. If you're going to play this with a chum, take your boxing gloves...